
Showing posts from August, 2019

Until We Realize...

I felt led to share and write this...I pray that you will see God through my writing and not mine...I pray that wherever you are in life that it be a comfort from my words and if needed that it will be words of realization for those who do not know... Since these mass shootings recently from 3rd of August from #ElPaso and #Ohio my heart has been seriously broken. Let me explain please. I don’t live in Texas nor have I ever been there before but I hurt for people! For pain, and suffering... Until we realize who the REAL enemy is we will keep hurting ourselves and others. They dubbed the shooting from Texas as a #hatecrime instead of us realizing that it was only the influence from one shooter, we forget that the one who roots and cheers for mass destruction and hate is the father of all lies! Satan! Yes I said his name, and Yes He Is REAL! But that’s what He wants us to think that he is just a figment of our imagination so we focus that the one to blame is the one who did the hainis ...