Until We Realize...

I felt led to share and write this...I pray that you will see God through my writing and not mine...I pray that wherever you are in life that it be a comfort from my words and if needed that it will be words of realization for those who do not know...

Since these mass shootings recently from 3rd of August from #ElPaso and #Ohio my heart has been seriously broken. Let me explain please. I don’t live in Texas nor have I ever been there before but I hurt for people! For pain, and suffering...

Until we realize who the REAL enemy is we will keep hurting ourselves and others. They dubbed the shooting from Texas as a #hatecrime instead of us realizing that it was only the influence from one shooter, we forget that the one who roots and cheers for mass destruction and hate is the father of all lies! Satan! Yes I said his name, and Yes He Is REAL! But that’s what He wants us to think that he is just a figment of our imagination so we focus that the one to blame is the one who did the hainis crime...no I am not saying like you hear “The Devil Made Me Do It” policy but we are all responsible for our own actions! Can we be influenced by others? Of course we can! But just because your friends jumped off the Empire State Building does that mean you will too? Hopefully and I pray you will not. It’s known as demonic forces, yes they are real and so is spiritual warfare! 

Just think about this comparison if you will:

Hates crime

Hates pain

Hates fighting

Hates shootings

Hates chaos

Hates division

Hates inequality

Hates hate - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GOD

Loves crime

Loves pain

Loves fighting 

Loves shootings

Loves chaos

Loves division

Loves inequality

Loves hate - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -SATAN

See God created us all and sent a Savior and only Savior to die for our sins! So Jesus could care of all that pain, suffering, feeling unequal, feeling chaotic,etc so we don’t have to. 

But Satan strives on us being in pain, suffering from pain of others which can lead to hate and even #hatecrimes - he wants us to feel like we are unequal that God doesn’t love us and that He didn’t send His Son, Jesus to this earth to save all of us. That only certain people can go to heaven. Which is not true at all! God and Jesus wants us ALL to go and live with them in Paradise! No matter what #race #ethnicity #color #background #citizenship We Are!! ALL Are Accepted! But it’s up to us to make that decision if we want that! 

Even in an article I read from #MichaelYoussef I believe was telling us something on The Real Reason Satan is Raging Against Christians Right Now...from www.charismanews.com/ 6/15/2016. He even talks about in his recent book (which I have yet to read), End Times and the Secret of the Mahdi: Unlocking the Mystery of Revelation and the AntichristCharisma News

Please I prey that this article/post/blog/ whatever you want to call it will find you where you are! And in time being if you are like me we are asking “How can I help?” With the shootings when I live so far away!? I want to tell you there is something you can do - PRAY! We all need to pray for the victims, the ones who lost loved ones, and yes even the shooter himself! So he will turn from his ways and realize how #hate and #crime should never be a thing. And that we ALL can love one another!

Thank you for taking time to read my blog! 


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