Just Breathe
Especially for the day with all the hustle and bustle trying to get; you know the smell of the markers and the crayons you know it!
First day of school, the weekend before, as a mom I know exactly how you feel!! You got to rush to get the last minute things for your child before they go to school for orientation and make sure they meet the teacher, you got to make sure they have the right clothes, make sure that they know what will that do, know where to go!! I know you just want to say, “Aaaaaahhh with me. Go ahead let it all out! I won’t even tell your family. :)” As a parent got to make sure that things are taken care of at home before they do go to school that way you're not going crazy and you're rushing here and there!!
I get it, I completely get it, but have you ever thought and just stopped?! YES!! I just said stop and think and pay attention to the surroundings and people around you? I know that's an impossible task to ask especially on a day like this, but I believe that God is telling us especially ME today that it's OK!!!
You don't have to be in a rush, things will get done!! It will still be there, they're still be people driving on the road, still be people going in and out of the stores!! The world will not stop turning is what I mean!
So why rush to get it done when we can just sit and observe all the beautiful and amazing things around us that God gave to us?! And maybe, just maybe not have to deal with a bad accident that I
have or the rush in the harshness of the day because why get overworked?? Why get upset when I get anxious over something that we have no control over!!?? That is still going to be there no matter what we do!! Whether we're there we decide to be late for our first day of school or running late for orientation. The teachers are still going to be there the principal will still be there!!
True, you need to be on your ball and in gear because that is exactly what we want to show towards for others. So I'm getting after all my words but I think you get what I mean. :)
It’s just like that song by Johnny Diaz what I say is one of my songs that it's called “Just Breathe.” We are so much on the go, always running to the next thing always making sure that we don't miss out and I cling we as in me!!
Because I am like that so much but maybe we should just sit back, stop, and relax and just look around you?! Maybe once in the checkout, ask the cashier, “Hey how was your day today or look for somebody that needs help or somebody that's trying to get into another lane on the road instead of rushing and thinking about ourselves.
I think it will be a lot better for us to focus on those things and not just always be in a rush to make sure that we don't miss out on the next best thing because really what are we going to miss out on if it's something that God doesn't want you to experience for him anyways?!
Thanks for taking a chance to read my blog post! I may still do a podcast on it not sure. I don't know but I am going to also post a blog in regards to this I'm not sure what the title is going to be but just look for it I hope this reaches someone and I hope it you know comes out exactly the way God wants it to this is not me this is going talking and giving me what he wants me to share and that's what I feel like you want to Me to share however I had a great weekend and be safe on the roads and God bless Sonia Rosen Torrance
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