Ɗιffeяeηт Aѕρecтѕ σf Ɓeαυту

Have you ever wondered about how many things can make a woman beautiful? Whether inside or out? Well if you are a woman like myself then you can relate to the pain or struggle it can be to get all dolled up every day for no particular reason, am I right? Then why do we do it? Why does it matter so much if we have the latest fashion accessory or the brand makeup to show off? Could it be because we have been programmed to like or fashion certain things that only make us wanting more? Well I don’t know but if you ask me I would say that sounds very conniving don’t you think? Why would someone want us to focus so much on these things when in the end we will only be coming back for more? Customer satisfaction possibly? Consumers are smart and know what they are doing but just because they sale a product doesn’t mean that you have to fully “buy into it”. We can do just as we were probably told or taught by your mom or maybe older sister, “Just say No!” Say “No” to remaking you over, say “No” to something that will leave you empty in the long run. So why am I writing and talking about this? I felt led to write on the subject of different aspects of beauty according to God’s plan Not man’s or even woman’s plan. Beauty is only skin deep as some would say. But I feel it even goes deeper than that. We make this ideal image of each woman dont we? You may not realize it but we do! 

Instead of taking people for who they are and not labeling or judging them, that is what we do. It may be a habit or an instinct, but still we do it! And it’s like the Bible says about judging someone when we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. No not one have not sinned. Even your favorite Christian, Godly, spiritual role model that goes to church religiously and reads their Bible daily. I think we put people on a pedestal and the only one that deserves to be on it front and Center is our Father, Lord, Jesus Christ, and Savior!! Then if we let God be our only role model we would not be let down or disappointed when things didn’t go our way.
Ok with saying that I know some are thinking yes but there’s been times when I wanted something and I was going to church and doing my duties and being a good Christian but God still not allow me to have it! Trust me baby girl, I hear you! I have been there in fact I still sound like you saying the same thing. But what I try to realize is there may be a reason why He did not allow you have what you wanted. Tough to think about isn’t it? But think about it, if God gave us everything we wanted and more it would be like that movie, “Bruce Almighty” when he wanted to be God for a day or so then when he replied “Yes to All” disaster and turmoil hit didn’t it? So maybe just maybe God is wanting something even better for you to maybe even share with others about what all the things God has blessed you with.

Before I close this I feel led to add this based on a very influential lady recently she decided and made up her own mind to stand up for something based off a tragedy happening to her friend, because I know I have been guilty too. Thinking that these type people have it all made and are happier than anyone but sadly it’s the complete opposite. Adriana Lima, a top model for Victoria’s Secrets recently made a statement in her recent Instagram post, “I will no longer take my clothes off for an empty cause.” Without going into too much detail, I want to say this is so big for someone who has the media, the agencies, and the world’s pressure on her. I give her kudos and support anything and everything she is based on this statement. Because even models have flaws just like every human being that puts their pants on the same way, am I right?

Link of her recent post and background on Adriana’s statement is provided here for anyone who is interested in reading it. https://instagram.com/p/BcfbxASB6jK/
Adriana Lima Instagram


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